Press Releases

These are a collection of advisories that Hyper Citation, Flying Forge and Hose Powder produce to pump up their addled self-worth in the current chaotic state of the advertising landscape. In essence, these puff pieces could probably be best used to line the bottom of a peacock cage. Here are some examples:


Press Release – Introduction of the Propulsion Division

Press Release – Branding state lines, civic buildings, schools, bus stops

Press Release – Designing and branding entrances to neighborhoods

Press Release – We elevate neighborhood esteem and raise property values

Press Release – Flying Forge rolls out world’s tallest jukebox collection

Press Release – Intro to Lighting Director for “Pulsating Jukebox Effects”

Press Release – Jukeboxes play the music that is the “Pulse of the City”

Press Release – Municipal design elements: food items and everyday utensils

Press Release – Flying Forge announces shrink-wrap houses and businesses

Press Release – It’s showtime: residential roof tiles

Press Release – “Mega-NEWS Systems” buildouts

Press Release – Leveraging the heights with “super-ultra, high-speed elevators”

Press Release – Introducing “Expressway Audio Feeds”

Press Release – Don’t blame Santa for that bad audio

Press Release – Ubiquitous use of drones: when is too much too much?

Press Release – The magic of hot air balloons in all seasons

Press Release – Direct mail goes to perilous heights

Press Release – Announcing: Geostationary Floating Transmission Facilities

Press Release – “Christmas-Like” Designs of Floating Transmitters

Press Release – Concerts on Floating Stages “Flyby” neighborhoods

Press Release – Client-sponsored venues atop mega billboards

Press Release – Quad-panel technology allows “whole towns to be built”

Press Release – Running of the Interstate bulls
Press Release – Wait’ll you see the floss technique

Press Release – Guts skywriter provides insanely personal greetings

Press Release – “Only in Montana:” chainsaws and helicopters

Press Release – Mythical transoceanic bridge gets legs

Press Release – Gigantic electric eels are descendants of Bigfoot. Yikes!

Press Release – Who’s your turkey?

Press Release – New “voter sport:” stock car racing meets stunning aerial photography

Press Release – Stoplights are major installations and advertising magnets

Press Release – Toll booths fuel lottery winners

Press Release – mechanical crosswalks hearken industrial might

Press Release – What good is a restaurant without a personal runway?

Press Release – World’s fastest baggage carousel offers great advertising

Press Release – Jet propulsion chairlifts and the ability to know when to get off

Press Release – “City that Can’t Promote Itself,” gets kick in the sorry pants

Press Release – Skyscraper houses

Press Release – Designated block homes were meals are served

Press Release – Row houses becoming storefronts

Press Release – Restaurants in the lobby of your apartment

Press Release – Are flatulent computers making us paranoid?

Press Release – Personal marching hallway bands

Press Release – Sunday afternoon lawn bowling

Press Release – Hottest day on record

Press Release – Leeches: your best friends in a pinch

Press Release – Lady Bugs: keeping it really, really clean

Press Release – The real scoop on “Blue Coal”

Press Release – Bringing back dining cars

Press Release – Longing for those “Monopoly Days”

Press Release – Local branding in the Paleolithic Era

Press Release – Avoiding slapdash in your social media

Press Release – Coming to a coal mine near you

Press Release – Local news personalities make horrendous coal miners

Press Release – Market synergy at the force of elastic waistbands

Press Release – Knowing if your cross-platform strategy really stinks

Press Release – Contests that pull clients from hot tubs
