It’s a sunny day in coal country. Morris is on his way to Blasting Cap to purchase toilet paper, dishwashing liquid, powdered free-range coffee creamer and all the essentials for the station. He has a small amount of petty cash, and a list from Verona Kendermants. While he’s driving on the rutted road, he sees the monumental skyline of The Very B.I.G. Allentown in the distance. Someday, Morris will drive there and visit this sprawling city that is larger than Little Manhattan, LA-LA-Burb and Chicago COMBINED! Morris reaches for his flip phone. It’s time for another pitch. He is nervous, filled with trepidation. This is a nuanced pitch, and he hopes he catches his sister Noreen at the right moment, when she’s able to concentrate. Otherwise, this is going to be one more worthy pitch completely discarded and thrown into the trash receptacle of failure . . .