Morris Crimpanfortis is oblivious to the fact that his own family wants to put him in harm’s way atop an elaborate billboard high above the New Jersey Turnpike. He continues pitching his sister Noreen on TV shows. His current pitch is entitled “Bowling for Stock Options,” and he’s certain this is the one that will catapult him from coal country back into the limelight of Burbank. Morris tries pitching Noreen while she rides in back of the limo to a breakfast meeting with an investment banker in Belmont Harbor. Morris falls all over himself trying to explain the pitch to her. She loses patience hearing about rank amateurs competing for stock portfolios. Noreen isn’t feeling this. She doesn’t give a rip about a bunch of hacks who don’t know how to bowl – she despises bowling to begin with. She holds off telling Morris about the rumored job Father has for him on the sod bridge above the Jersey Turnpike. She wonders what kind of a free-falling grass blade he will make . . .