Morris psyches himself up for his first pitch in over a year. Taking a deep breath, fighting back anxiety, he takes the plunge and punches up Noreen’s number. But no matter what level of self-motivation, the results stay largely the same. Nearly getting his head bit off the moment his sister picks up – what else is new? – Morris continues to distinguish himself in less-than-glowing terms. He haltingly pitches the lamest thing that Noreen has heard since probably the last time he pitched her. Just like all the other times in the past, she gives him a rude pass. But not all is lost. Verona Kendermants enters the Pitch Palace with a new blend of soap – peanut butter, grape jelly, garlic and patchouli oil Suddenly, all is well in Pitch Paradise – so much so that Morris wants to hop back on his Pitch Palomino and go another round . . .